About me

Climate and gender justice has been my topic of passion for over 10 years. For me, it is an essential element of the urgently needed socio-ecological transformation. As a natural scientist who thinks beyond the boundaries of her subject, social innovations are at least as important to me as technological innovations.

I have an advanced degree in physics and have worked in research, energy and climate policy, development policy and management before setting up my own business.

My services: Consulting and policy advice, analysis, studies and lectures, capacity development and training, conception of, and collaboration in research projects.

Thematic focal areas: Gender, energy and climate change at international, national and local levels, as well as urban energy and climate policy.

My working languages are German and English. I also understand Spanish and French.

Klima- und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit ist seit über 10 Jahren mein Thema, das ich mit Leidenschaft verfolge. Es ist für mich ein wesentliches Element für die dringend notwendige sozial-ökologische Transformation. Als Naturwissenschaftlerin, die über die Grenzen ihres Fachs hinausdenkt, sind für mich gesellschaftliche mindestens so wichtig wie technologische Innovationen.

Ich bin Diplomphysikerin und habe in Forschung, Energie- und Klimapolitik, Entwicklungspolitik und Management gearbeitet, bevor ich mich selbständig gemacht habe

Mein Angebot: Gutachten, Studien, Analysen und Vorträge, Kapazitätenentwicklung und Training, Konzeption und Mitarbeit in Forschungsprojekten

Themenschwerpunkte: Gender, Energie und Klima auf internationaler, nationaler und lokaler Ebene sowie kommunale Energie- und Klimapolitik.

Meine Arbeitssprachen sind deutsch und englisch, daneben verstehe ich spanisch und französisch.

Training on Gender and Urban Climate Policy in Indonesia

Held a training workshop with Aksi! and Solidaritas Perempuan in Makassar, Sulawesi, on gender and urban climate policy.

Gender & urban climate policy inside: Two new books out

Together with Kate Cahoon, I authored chapters on gender and urban climate policy of two books which are now available:

book cover
“The Routledge Handbook of Urbanization and Global Environmental Change”
For more information, see Routledge.

book cover
“Roots for the Future: The Landscape and Way Forward on Gender and Climate Change”, the new gender and climate change training manual published by IUCN and GGCA.
For more information, see the publication website.

Briefing book on gender & urban climate policy published

It’s finally completed and available in print and for download: My briefing book
Book Cover: Gender and Urban Climate Policy. Gender-sensitive policies make a difference
The handbook indicates ways for local governments to integrate the gender dimensions of climate change into the various stages of policy-making, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries. It is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather a starting point which introduces gender concepts and gender dimensions of climate change at urban levels, and offers resources, tools and ideas for action to decision-makers, consultants and practitioners. Moreover, it is to assist women’s groups and community based organisations to get involved in local climate policy and to advocate for a gender-responsive approach.

Download the briefing book Gender and Urban Climate Policy

Building with Bamboo

Attended a workshop on bamboo building and design in Bali in the “Green Camp”. Utilising a multitude of various bamboo species, it is possible to build very cheap houses, either for temporary shelter or for more lasting houses for poor people. The Green Camp people have also designed very fancy and even luxury bamboo houses. They look beautiful, but some designs annihilate the ecological advantage of the bamboo by wasting energy. For example there is air conditioning in some of the houses, which definitely doesn’t make sense in an open building.

Anyway, the workshop was big fun, and bamboo is a great material, in particular in the climatic conditions of tropical countries.

Building – a male domain?

Unexpectedly, about half of the participants were women, in contrast to the common notion that men are in charge of building. In a number of powerpoint presentations, I found the quote “in a study of 224 cultures across the world, there were 5 in which men did all the cooking, and 36 in which women did all the house-building”. The source dates back to an anthropological study carried out in 1937 (George Peter Murdock “Comparative Data on the Division of Labor by Sex,” Social Forces, 15: 551–553). However, a closer look at the data reveals that the difference is not that large: in 86 of 224 traditional societies, men did all the house building, while for another very similar category of activities, namely erecting and dismantling shelter, women were in charge in a larger number of societies than men. Gender differentials for other activities were much larger, e.g. carrying water (guess who?) or making weapons (guess who?). In conclusion, it can be assumed that building houses is not necessarily a men’s domain. The gender dimension might be more evident in the design of houses which is likely to reflect gender relations and roles, see for instance Girija Shrestha: Gender Relations and Housing: A Cross-community Analysis. Gender Technology and Development March 2000 vol. 4 no. 1 61-86.

Strange Mobility

Aren’t there a lot of strange ways how people move from A to B, other than walking?